Think about it. Seth Godin and Neil Patel are both bald marketing geniuses. They share similar passions and strive to inspire entrepreneurs around the globe. But do you ever wonder how they achieved such success? Or why these like-minded marketers have never collaborated together on a project? The only logical explanation for their combined success is that they are secretly the same person masquerading as two very different personas.
It could be camera angle magic that transforms Seth Godin into Neil Patel, or vice versa. Perhaps their charade is successful due to a talented makeup artist or an extremely dedicated voice actor. Maybe it’s a long-term marketing experiment that’s gotten way out of hand. In any case, creating two separate marketing personalities is, indisputably, a genius move.
Before dismissing this (likely) conspiracy theory altogether, let’s take a moment to address the reasons why someone would choose to develop an entirely new character and continually jump through hoops to maintain the facade. At first, disguising oneself just to work the same job might seem absurd, but it could have positive advantages:
- Expanded market reach. As marketing experts, Godin and Patel want to gain access to the largest audience possible. Therefore, it would make sense if the two entrepreneurs were secretly the same person, as they would have more control over the target market than any of their competitors.
- Insights from multiple demographics. Patel’s inspirational story of becoming a successful entrepreneur before the age of 30 seems to resonate more with millennials and Gen Z individuals, whereas Godin’s decades of experience in the business world appeals to older entrepreneurs. The large age gap between the two marketers may have been created in order to obtain useful data from people of all generations.
- Minimizes mistakes. Business leaders may struggle to keep up with the most effective marketing techniques to target evolving consumer demands. Perhaps at some point, Patel wasn’t sure how to tackle a specific business issue, so he created the alternate persona of Godin to “test out” his marketing theories (or vice versa). If the campaign was successful, then he could implement similar ideas and share them with his audience. If not, the real marketer wouldn’t face any negative repercussions, and he could simply try a different strategy. Either way, it’s a win for whoever is behind the two characters.
Could Godin really be Patel in glasses? Is Patel a modern-day marketing strategy devised by Godin? Probably not… but then again, maybe that’s exactly what the marketing geniuses want us to think. Read over their summarized biographies to decide for yourself:
Godin’s numerous accomplishments in the marketing realm earned him the title of “the ultimate entrepreneur for the information age.” After graduating from Tufts University in 1979, Godin went on to earn his MBA from Stanford, while he was also working as a brand manager for a software company. In 1986, he decided to quit his job to pursue his own business ideas, which quickly expanded into a long list of successes:
- Authored 18 bestselling books, including All Marketers are Liars, Purple Cow, and The Dip.
- Founded Yoyodyne, which was sold to Yahoo! for $30 million barely 3 years after its initial launch date..
- Began a daily blog that has been consistently updated for over a decade.
- Launched online courses and seminars that have educated and inspired thousands of entrepreneurs and business leaders.
- Earned places within the Marketing Hall of Fame, Guerilla Marketing Hall of Fame, and the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame.
Patel got into entrepreneurship, online marketing, and analytics before he even graduated high school. When he was 15, he first established the site Advice Monkey, and he began testing various strategies to direct more traffic towards his site. After a few years, Patel launched an internet marketing company and quickly began to earn major profits from numerous companies. Then, his career really took off:
- He became a popular blogger, discussing topics such as digital marketing and SEO techniques. His articles were featured on multiple platforms and in a variety of publications, including TechCrunch, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Moz.
- He co-founded the successful businesses of Hello Bar, Crazy Egg, and KISSmetrics.
- President Obama named Patel as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under 30.
- Forbes and The Wall Street Journal both stated that Patel is one of the most successful online influencers.
- Patel chose to invest in several other software companies and internet marketing firms in order to help them expand their reach.
- He shares his profits and marketing expertise to aid non-profit organizations around the globe in an effort to make the world a better place.
Even if Patel and Godin are completely separate individuals, they still hold some similar values and marketing advice, especially when it comes to creating original content. If your own blog needs a little TLC, check out our writing services to learn how we can help you take your website to the next level.