10 Copywriting Worksheets That Will Help You Improve Your Skills

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Jelene Juario

If you’re new to copywriting, it can be intimidating to write your first landing page or sales email. You don’t know what problem you’re solving and what benefits to highlight. In the world of copywriting, learning by doing is the best way to develop your skills. While writing alone is important, it’s also important to know how to improve your copywriting skills. Copywriting worksheets are a great way to get accustomed to the language and flow of writing copy.

When you’re just beginning your quest toward becoming a professional copywriter, here are 10 great worksheets that can help you achieve that goal.

3 Reasons to use Copywriting Worksheets for Beginners

Copywriting worksheets are a great way to get your feet wet in the world of copywriting. They can help you get acquainted with the language and structure of this type of writing, and they’ll give you a chance to practice some of the most common techniques that are used in the industry.

1. Hone the basics of copywriting

The fundamentals of copywriting can be summed up in one sentence: write compelling copy that makes readers take action. Whether you’re trying to convince someone to buy a product or subscribe to an email list, the goal is always the same—and there are certain techniques that will help you achieve it.

Using worksheets to learn and master your craft can help you find new ways of talking about the same topic, which will keep your writing fresh. With fresh copywriting, you’ll be more likely to attract readers who are intrigued enough to take the next step.

2. Your writing will be more effective

When people read your work, they should be able to tell why it was written in the first place—and what was accomplished through its creation. If they don’t know either of these things after reading your content, then it’s clear there’s room for improvement! Copywriting worksheets teach writers how to develop copywriting skills with an eye toward achieving specific goals like generating leads or increasing sales conversions

3. Build confidence in your skills

Taking the time to practice your writing through copywriting worksheets will help you build confidence in yourself as a writer. Confidence is crucial when it comes to honing any skill because it pushes us to try new things and experiment with our own style.

While there may not be one right way to write something, practicing with these worksheets can provide you with experience that makes a big difference in the quality of your work.

10 Copywriting Worksheets to Improve Your Skills

Learn how to practice copywriting skills and develop a strong arsenal of web copywriting skills by using these worksheets. These worksheets will make the process of organizing and crafting powerful copy a breeze.

1. Content Marketing & Strategy Worksheet

Before you put your virtual pen to digital paper, you should first determine who your copy is intended for. You want to ensure your copy resonates with your target audience to take action, such as buying a product or booking an appointment. 

Copyhackers’ content marketing and strategy worksheet lets you figure out what to publish and where so you’re reaching a target audience at every step of the customer lifecycle. You can edit it according to your audience’s needs and the conversion rate of each audience.

2. Copywriting Strategies Worksheet

Getting to know your audience entails a lot of research and analysis into understanding what they need. Neil Patel’s copywriting strategies worksheet is another way to find out your target audience’s goals and wants. It also gives you an overview of what you can look forward to when you start developing copy for your audience. 

3. Keyword Selection Worksheet

You can use this Keyword Worksheet as a blueprint to make sure that your copy targets your intended audience. It gives you tips on how to find SEO keywords and how to list them out by listing core keywords and other related keywords.

Invest time in researching relevant SEO to incorporate into your copy. Don’t forget to consistently update it to outline your SEO copywriting strategy.

4. Local SEO Checklist

Local SEO is crucial to helping brick-and-mortar businesses rank highly in search engines It’s especially important for small to medium-sized companies going up against big-name brands with million-dollar budgets.

The local SEO checklist from MOZ can help you review your local SEO efforts. This page provides tips on how to create unique content for landing pages for businesses that have multiple locations, including product specials, videos, and pictures of each location. 

5. Headline Copywriting Templates

Every piece of content should have a compelling headline. If your headline catches your audience’s attention, they are more likely to read the rest of your landing page, email, or online ad.

You can use these headline copywriting templates from CopyHackers to practice writing your headlines. These templates can help you feel confident that you improve your copywriting skills with formulas that have the potential to convert before you even begin to write.

6. Call to Action Template with Examples

The call to action (CTA) is the most significant part of copywriting, as it shows how well you can convince the customer to buy, subscribe, or schedule a meeting.

This CTA template from CoSchedule uses exclusivity and the fear of missing out to get people interested in what you have to offer. The exclusive nature of these CTAs gives a foundation for what makes an intriguing CTA. This resource provides examples of how to use them effectively in your copy, so you can get started on creating your own CTAs. 

7. 4 Classic Copywriting Formula Templates

There are tried-and-true copywriting formulas that have proven to attract audiences and convert them into sales. It is believed that American marketer Elias St. Elmo Lewis crafted the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) copywriting formula in 1898.

Use these four copywriting templates to create persuasive copy that captures your audience’s attention. They are not worksheets, but you can obtain a basic understanding of the copywriting formulas that are still relevant today. You might feel inspired to create your own copy using one formula to make it more engaging after reading through the templates.

8. 27 Social Media Copywriting Formulas

If you’re ready to take your copywriting to the next level, this resource from Buffer has 27 social media copywriting formulas to try your hand at social media copywriting. You should try this resource from Buffer if you want to take your writing to another level. 

It contains 27 social media writing formulas and examples to help you with social media writing. If you use social media nearly every day, keep this resource handy to use when developing social media content.

9. Collection of Email Copywriting Formulas

Learn how to write an email subject line, body copy, and special offer emails with this collection of email copywriting templates from Chamaileon.io. It also includes teaching you how to write email messages that ask for testimonials and ratings from customers. Though they are mostly aimed at e-commerce, they can also be tailored to any target audience with some editing.

10. Editing Checklist for Content

You can use Neil Patel’s two-page editing checklist to make sure every piece of copy you write is awesome. The checklist includes tips for replacing complex words, avoiding keyword stuffing, and ensuring your copy answers your audience’s specific needs.

Always Keep Improving Your Copywriting Skills

You can use these worksheets and templates to learn more about copywriting when you’re just getting started in the field. Your copy will convert better, rank higher, and make more sales with practice and patience.

Copywriting Worksheets
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