If you are not incorporating LinkedIn into your marketing strategy, you are missing out on a great opportunity to boost your profitability and expand your reach. With over 303 million active users, 40% of which visiting the site daily, LinkedIn has the potential to work wonders for your business.
While LinkedIn has long been a valuable marketing tool for all types of businesses, it has recently offered even better opportunities for businesses to increase their organic reach. With its acquisition of AI like Drawbridge and several algorithm changes, LinkedIn has stepped up its ability to help businesses reach their target audiences and expand their organic reach.
If you use LinkedIn as part of your digital marketing strategy, here are a few things you can do to boost your organic reach and engage with your audience:
Post consistently
In order to expand your reach, you will have to increase your level of engagement and your number of connections, and a big part of that is making sure you’re posting consistently! Posting consistently helps you reach new people, and helps remind older connections that you’re there. The more engagement you get, the broader your organic reach will be.
One great perk of LinkedIn is that the platform has ample options for posting content to the platform, from simple text posts, to articles, to videos. Try to upload some of these types of content consistently to continue making new connections, building relationships with your audience, and increasing your organic reach!
Provide high-quality content
You should create posts that are engaging, relevant, and easy to read. If you want people to feel like they gain value from connecting with your business, then you need to provide them with valuable content.
One of the best forms of content that you can offer your audience is video content. Create compelling video content that will encourage users to engage with both your business and LinkedIn.
Make sure that anything you post on LinkedIn is entertaining and helpful. The majority of people who browse LinkedIn are looking for information that can help them grow their business. Show these users that you have something valuable to add that will be worth their time.
Optimize your posts
Make sure that your posts are easy for others to find by using keywords, optimizing your work for mobile users, and utilizing relevant hashtags. It doesn’t matter if you are offering your audience great content if they cannot find it. Hashtags and keywords are a great way to make sure that your posts and videos are easy to access.
Considering that over 50% of LinkedIn users access the site using a mobile device, you should make sure that any links or videos you provide are easy to view on a phone or tablet. This will prevent people from skipping over your posts when they are looking on LinkedIn.
With these three tips in mind, you will be able to use LinkedIn to better your organic reach. Keep these strategies in mind as you revamp your digital marketing strategy to keep up with LinkedIn’s changes and growth.